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We’ve decided to split the middle! We’ll do one virtual power hour and one in-person power hour each month for the foreseeable future. Join us every third Friday at noon for some virtual fun and fellowship. Don’t forget; we always play a game and the winner gets a WEEK on the MARQUEE! It pays to join us!

Kelly Tobin Hernandez – Edward Jones is the sponsor for March’s Power Hour in the Park and Virtual Power Hour!

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (786) 535-3211

Access Code: 747-785-509

The Power Hour means taking an hour in your day and breaking it down into four key things, that you want to accomplish in that hour. Using the Power Hour, you take small blocks of time and get extraordinary results from them

Fuel Your Body
Fuel Your Mind
Build Relationships
Expand Your Network

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