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FIRST GIG AT INTRA OF 2021! (That doesn’t even sound like a real year. Lol.)

So glad to be back at Intracoastal Brewery! Definitely one of my favorite spots and might be half the reason I chose to live in my neighborhood. Lol.

You can expect groovy one-man-band versions of Top 40 Favorites from Al Green to Justin Timberlake, Chris Stapleton, The Eagles, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, and countless others from my request-friendly repertoire of +500 songs! My style was once said to be if Bill Withers fronted the Foo Fighters. I laughed and laughed and said, “I’ll take it!”

BIO: If we haven’t had a chance to meet yet, I’ve had an incredible career starting with busking the streets of St. Louis to +3 Years at Sea rocking out for Carnival Cruise Lines. I was even lucky enough to get my ‘golden ticket’ on American Idol XV! 2,000 shows or so later, I’ve got a whole lot to talk about onstage.

My play-style is considered acoustic looping, which means I will occasionally layer the music with such fullness that it’s almost indistinguishable from a live band. It demands improvised, off the cuff decisions while playing and ends up leaving a lot of room to get creative. Hope to have a beer with you and meet some awesome people!

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