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We are bringing Vegas to Melbourne while supporting two amazing organizations from both cities, Hope for the City and The Daily Bread!

April 8th, we celebrate one year since opening our doors, and we are so excited to share this moment with you, Melbourne! The night will include complimentary signature cocktails, small bites, a live DJ, showgirls, and table games from 6-9 pm! ♦️♣️

Oh, did we forget to mention our raffle giveaway?! Raffle tickets will be $20 each, and all proceeds will go to Hope for the City and The Daily Bread. Prizes include – a 2-night stay at Hotel Melby and a $200 food credit to The Landing Rooftop. – 2 tickets for airfare, stay, and dinner in Las Vegas. – Bacardi bucket. – 2 tickets to The Flavor Experience in Downtown Melbourne, FL.

Let’s celebrate and give back to two amazing organizations in our communities!

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