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Save up to 50% on cosmetic treatments! PLUS, enjoy wine & bites, music, raffles, surprises & more! Proceeds benefit three local charities.

Our LIVE event is back! Join us for our popular annual soiree, featuring Our Best Specials of the Season!

2021 Sparkle Party

an intimate evening with our providers and patients

Wine & Bites | Specials | Music | Raffles | Surprises

Save up to 50% on your favorite cosmetic treatments!

Botox | Juvederm Fillers | CoolSculpting ELITE | CoolTone | QWO Cellulite Treatment | Laser Skin Resurfacing | Peels & Facials | Medical-Grade Skin Care & Much More!

Admission: $25 per person donation to a local charity of your choice

100% of ticket proceeds benefit your choice of: Women’s Center of Brevard | Habitat for Humanity of Brevard | Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation

Every guest will receive a fabulous swag bag valued at more than $250!

Questions? Contact us! [email protected] | 321.727.3223

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